ZCG 2019 Latest News

It's been a while. 

We've been quiet on the newsletter front for the last few months, to this we apologise. We also know sometimes emails get too much to handle in your inbox.
We've used our marketing quiet time to expand our manufacturing facility as well as working hard on updating and expanding our product range. See some new items below .

Newest ZCG addition: Wideband UHF spring base whip

Working directly with our customer base, ZCG prides itself on producing Australian manufactured antennas to suit the ever changing RF market.
ZCG are proud to release a new wideband full UHF 400-520MHz, 2.1dBi elevated feed. Suitable for all emergency services vehicles and/or TETRA applications
More Information

4G LTE directional Yagi

Australia was recently tested for network speed of 5G and 4G LTE. And the 4G LTE network out-performed 5G. Utilise this speed plus a directional signal with the Y700 series of Yagi's. Available in 6-15 elements depending on your requirements. See our handy mobile phone network guide here.

Enquire here

Cabling & Connectors

Understanding your cable and connector needs can sometimes be difficult, your requirements will be determined by your power input/output levels. 
See ZCG's range of cables and connectors or Contact ZCG for assistance with your system requirements.
Enquire here

ZCG Frequency guides

ZCG aim to help educate everyone of the ever changing RF frequency ranges and new allocations for general population usage. From Marine VHF, UHF CB Radio and Australian Mobile Phone network frequencies.

Click here for downloadable PDF's
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