Recommendations on mounting an antenna to a vehicle

Over the last 40 years a common question we get asked is where is the recommended position to mount an antenna on a vehicle.
Antenna placement is critical to the performance of an antenna. An antenna mounted on the roof of a vehicle will function better than the same antenna installed on the bonnet, boot or bull bar. Knowledge of the vehicle is also an important factor when determining what type of antenna to use and where to mount.
The ideal location for an antenna on a vehicle, is clear from any other vertical metal objects such as bull bar uprights or ladder racks, and at a minimum 350mm from any other transmitting or receiving antennas.
The golden rule to stick by is "mount your antenna as high as possible" on your vehicle or watercraft, taking into consideration laws on height and safety.
For on-glass antennas an example of incorrect installation is mounting the on-glass antenna on a windscreen or rear window where tint may have been applied, heating elements or metallic flakes are embedded inside the glass. These factors will interfere with the signals from the antenna resulting in possible failure of your system.
For more information regarding mounting vehicle antennas click here.
Protecting your Terminations
The final step in any installation is water-proofing your termination. Whether it be on your vessel or vehicle to your broadcast antenna up your transmission tower or mast correctly water-proofing your terminations will ensure the longevity of your antenna system.
ZCG recommend the use of one layer of amalgamation tape with a single layer of PVC tape if termination in inside your structure or vehicle cabin and one layer of amalgamation tape and two layers of PVC tape if the termination is external on your vessel, vehicle, structure or tower.
ZCG recommend starting/ending your tape past your termination over the heat-shrink and onto the coaxial cable. Ensure that all drain holes on your antenna are free from obstruction, on most antennas the drain holes are located on the bottom face of the antenna, or on collinear and coaxial dipoles they are located beside the input/output connector.
ZCG offers a wide range of products to protect your terminations:
Click on the items above to take you to details information about each item.